CEO Message

CEO Message

Adrian Holding has always strived to address global challenges and meet the needs of our customers and partners, when confronted by dramatic changes to the socio-economic environment

Although the course of the global COVID-19 pandemic remains unpredictable, we are committed to making further strides, both as individuals and as a consolidated group, setting ambitious goals, while at the same time, acknowledging the realities surrounding our business

I have always believed that the mission of a company is to deliver high quality services where there is a need. It is important to pursue value creation through a market-oriented approach that sources ideas not only from Turkey, but also from countries with social issues and growth potential. In doing so, Adrian Holding will continue to create business and foster human resources that can address society’s needs

By drawing on our core strengths and leveraging our global network, our business portfolio, our knowledge and our diversity, we will continue to combine insights and collaborate across industries to create new value in this New world

As a responsible member of the global business community, together with our partners, we aim to contribute to building a sustainable future. We will exert our utmost effort to increase Adrian Holding value by implementing Medium-term Management Plan to achieve our vision for the future

Dr. M.Bagherpour

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

February 2021